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Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth (eBook)

CHF 13.55
CHF 14.20
ISBN: 979-8-8875137-2-0
GTIN: 9798887513720
Einband: Adobe Digital Editions
Verfügbarkeit: Download, sofort verfügbar (Link per E-Mail)
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Humanity is an animal derived from earth and enlightened by a spirit from heaven. We are urged to abandon our sinful souls and accept an image of our divine creator. We are then both mortal and eternal. Our bodies are from the universe that had its beginning some 14 billion years ago, but spiritual enlightenment came much later and is still happening.

Can a natural being lacking a spiritual enlightenment go to heaven? No, not without the help of a superior spiritual being that we call a Messiah, Jesus came from heaven and was born and lived on earth, and when he died, his spirit returned to paradise with a repentant sinner who had shared the cross with Jesus. Our faith is that Jesus will take us also.

King David, an ancestor of Abraham, died and returned as the transformed son of Mary called Jesus, the image of his heavenly Father.

Symbols are often employed in the Bible. One set of them are the ancient elements--earth, air, fire, and water--that distinguish between our material and spiritual natures. Earth and water refer to the earth life and air and fire relate to the spiritual. In Noah's flood, the water baptizes/cleans our sinful self and a dove, an air symbol, points out Jesus as the ultimate cleanser. The fire on the heads of people gathered from all parts of the world at Pentecost describe the final cleansing by Jesus who baptizes with fire.

The sun, moon, and stars are a set of symbols that refer to the father, son, and holy spirits. The stars represent our spirits that fall to earth periodically and embody there. The star that the magi followed was not an astronomical object; it was the vital spirit of Jesus! The sun, moon, and stars are the spiritual lights of the world.

A few other symbols with important roles are the zodiac, the hidden number 9, and the alpha and omega in the world. This is a hint: ADM.


Humanity is an animal derived from earth and enlightened by a spirit from heaven. We are urged to abandon our sinful souls and accept an image of our divine creator. We are then both mortal and eternal. Our bodies are from the universe that had its beginning some 14 billion years ago, but spiritual enlightenment came much later and is still happening.

Can a natural being lacking a spiritual enlightenment go to heaven? No, not without the help of a superior spiritual being that we call a Messiah, Jesus came from heaven and was born and lived on earth, and when he died, his spirit returned to paradise with a repentant sinner who had shared the cross with Jesus. Our faith is that Jesus will take us also.

King David, an ancestor of Abraham, died and returned as the transformed son of Mary called Jesus, the image of his heavenly Father.

Symbols are often employed in the Bible. One set of them are the ancient elements--earth, air, fire, and water--that distinguish between our material and spiritual natures. Earth and water refer to the earth life and air and fire relate to the spiritual. In Noah's flood, the water baptizes/cleans our sinful self and a dove, an air symbol, points out Jesus as the ultimate cleanser. The fire on the heads of people gathered from all parts of the world at Pentecost describe the final cleansing by Jesus who baptizes with fire.

The sun, moon, and stars are a set of symbols that refer to the father, son, and holy spirits. The stars represent our spirits that fall to earth periodically and embody there. The star that the magi followed was not an astronomical object; it was the vital spirit of Jesus! The sun, moon, and stars are the spiritual lights of the world.

A few other symbols with important roles are the zodiac, the hidden number 9, and the alpha and omega in the world. This is a hint: ADM.

Autor Meier, Albert
Verlag Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.
Einband Adobe Digital Editions
Erscheinungsjahr 2023
Seitenangabe 194 S.
Ausgabekennzeichen Englisch
Masse 239 KB
Plattform EPUB

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