Märkte sind die bedeutendste Institution zur Steuerung kapitalistischer Ökonomien. Die Wirtschaftssoziologie untersucht das Markthandeln unter dem Aspekt der sozialen, kulturellen und politischen Einbettung der Akteure. Dieser Band versammelt erstmalig in deutscher Sprache Beiträge zur soziologischen Forschung über Märkte, unter anderem von international führenden Autoren wie Olivier Godechot, Akos Rona-Tas, Donald MacKenzie, Robert Salais, Richard Swedberg und Harrison C. White.
Über den Autor Jens (Hrsg.) Beckert
Jens Beckert is director of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne. In 2018 he was awarded the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize for his work reinvigorating the social sciences with an interdisciplinary perspective, especially at the intersection of sociology and economics. His research focuses on the fields of economic sociology, sociology of inheritance, organization theory, and social theory.
Richard Bronk is a Visiting Senior Fellow in the European Institute at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He spent seventeen years working in the City of London and the Bank of England before teaching political economy at LSE from 2000-2007. His research now focuses on the role of imagination and language in economics, the dangers of analytical and regulatory monocultures, and the epistemology of markets.