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Agenda Publishing

A major new work that charts the historical development of a postcolonial settlement that has given rise to a racialized distintion between the "deserving" and "undeserving" poor, the latest incarnation of which is a distinction between a deserving, neglected white working class and "others" who are undeserving, not indigenous, and not white.
CHF 125.00

These essays from leading left intellectuals reflect on the scale and nature of the task that the Left now faces and, together, offer a major statement on the future for centre-left politics in advanced capitalism, and a frank appraisal of the Left's current capacity to keep conservatism at bay.

CHF 125.00

Cultural Economics analyzes the contribution to and role of the creative industries and their products and services in the overall economy. In this fascinating introduction to the field, Christiane Hellmanzik illuminates the challenges that the creative industries present for economic analysis.

CHF 28.40

Nick O'Donovan tells the story of how the techno-optimism once associated with the rise of the knowledge economy came to be supplanted by widespread anxiety about technological progress, and how the political consensus that formed around a knowledge-driven growth agenda has unravelled.

CHF 100.00

The book considers a range of conceptual debates around labor regimes and global production relating to issues of scale, informality, race, social reproduction, the labor process and migration as well as in relation to methods, theory and research practice.

CHF 100.00

This analysis of EU social policy-making asks whether the EU's efforts contribute to social cohesion or, on the contrary, undermine it, and whether its action in the social realm should be intensified, or curtailed.

CHF 34.80

Jeremy Corbyn has proved to be one of Labour's most popular and yet one of its most divisive leaders among the membership. In this carefully researched collection of essays, Corbyn's influence on and legacy for the party are assessed.

CHF 100.00