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Christian Faith


The Call Confessions Book and Journal We live in a "word" planet. In Genesis 1:3-26, God framed the earth with the power of His spoken word. And He designed man to be another speaking spirit in His image and after His likeness in Genesis 1:27. He intentionally constructed mankind to create just like Him--with our words. And whether you believe it or not, this is exactly what you and I do. Take a good look around you. You are surrounded by whatever you have been speaking with your mouth--positive or negative. If you are unhappy with your surroundings, change your spoken words! In The Call Confessions Book and Journal, Sylvia Curmon Wilder shares life-changing confessions from the Word of God that she uses daily to transform her life for the better! Her confession topics include: finances, employment, wisdom, and much, much more! Dare to trust God and reinvent your life with the power of His spoken words! Employ His words to create the life of your dreams!

CHF 19.60

I'm no longer a victim. Nor am I a survivor. I am a thriver. A family of four--two kids and two adults--a mother, father, and two sisters. "Smile," says the photographer as he takes the group portrait of this lovely family. Mom hates having her picture taken, but she smiled anyway, anything for her kids. Dad smiles all the time. Just aim the camera, and you've got 'em. Daddy's little girl, if it's good for Dad, she's in. Lisa the oldest daughter who's the performing artist shouldn't mind, but she's self-conscious; is her hair okay? "No." What dress to wear? "I need a new frock," and blah, blah, blah. Yes, this is a beautiful, Black, Christian family, who loves one another through financial woes, prostate cancer, measles, chicken pox, and scarlet fever! Through all of it, the smiles are real, the love is genuine, and yet someone has a secret--only they don't remember that they do! Can a two-year-old keep a secret from her parents? Should a two-year-old be asked to keep a secret?

CHF 34.50

Those of you who have followed Dr. Weitzel's writings will be pleased to find that this volume builds on his previous work to provide a rather intimate picture of his life trajectory, rising above personal doubts and challenges to become a general surgeon. His brother Ken and I (who was one of his fellow residents) have added our own vignettes, to flesh out the flavor of these formative years. References to well-known, contemporaneous events add additional historical context. When substantial physical adversities took Dr. Weitzel from active medical practice, he continued to serve his fellow men as a pastor and author. While this book is really a love story for friends and family to treasure, it provides a deeply moving insight into Christian faith.

CHF 88.30

I'm no longer a victim. Nor am I a survivor. I am a thriver. A family of four--two kids and two adults--a mother, father, and two sisters. "Smile," says the photographer as he takes the group portrait of this lovely family. Mom hates having her picture taken, but she smiled anyway, anything for her kids. Dad smiles all the time. Just aim the camera, and you've got 'em. Daddy's little girl, if it's good for Dad, she's in. Lisa the oldest daughter who's the performing artist shouldn't mind, but she's self-conscious; is her hair okay? "No." What dress to wear? "I need a new frock," and blah, blah, blah. Yes, this is a beautiful, Black, Christian family, who loves one another through financial woes, prostate cancer, measles, chicken pox, and scarlet fever! Through all of it, the smiles are real, the love is genuine, and yet someone has a secret--only they don't remember that they do! Can a two-year-old keep a secret from her parents? Should a two-year-old be asked to keep a secret?

CHF 21.05

No one escapes without some growing pains. None of us can get through the life on his own. God knew we would have troubles on our journey. John 16:33 (NLT) states, "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world." Though some may believe they are better, no one has come through squeaky clean. The passage 1 John 1:8 (NLT) says, "If we claim we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and not living in the truth." This is where Jesus comes in. John 10:10 (NIV) says, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." The passage 1 John 1:8 (NLT) states, "If we claim we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and not living in the truth." The poems you will read in Faithful Father, Forever Friend, relate the journey I began sixty-eight years ago. It hasn't always been pretty, but neither has it been without hope. Psalm 56:8 (NLT) states, "You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book." Romans 15:18 (NLT) says, "Yet, I dare not boast about anything except what Christ has done through me." These poems are the story of the hope that lies within me. The passage 1 Peter 3:15 (NLT) says, "Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it." My desire, my prayer is that this collection of poems will bring you hope also.

CHF 66.95

Choices are everywhere! We can't live without making them. There are bad choices, good choices, and Godly choices. Often, we don't give much thought to our choices. We simply live and let life happen to us. In a fast-paced stressful world, many are doing their best to simply get through each day. Everyone is tired and living on autopilot; and yet everybody wants joy, contentment, and favor. Everyone wants fulfillment, and yet it is elusive to many. What if by making Godly choices, we could soar instead of just dragging through life from day to day? What if our experience with God could be deeper than ever before simply by utilizing the gift of Godly choice well? What if there was more, and it was available through. . . Godly choice? Every day, poor choices lead to unnecessary pain and struggle that passes down through the generations. While good choices may result in limited positive results, Godly choices yield supernatural results like bountiful peace, contentment, and joy that brings glory to God, unlocks heaven's storehouse, and blesses us and those around us. When we understand the power of Godly choice, it blesses generations! Today, we can experience greater peace, contentment, and fulfillment. Today, we can decide to utilize Godly choice and live the change that we have been praying for for decades. Take the journey with Desiree and explore a whole new world overflowing with blessings and healing. Today, decide to never be the same by using Godly choice wisely.

CHF 46.85

This workbook was designed for individuals who have experienced trauma. This workbook can be used independently or in conjunction with individual therapy and/or group therapy. This workbook allows the individual to identify and process their experienced trauma through a combination of narrative therapy, imagery, and various coping techniques such as mindfulness. This workbook also provides a number of self-guided activities, allowing participants to heal on their own time. The purpose of this workbook is to provide a user-friendly guide to assessments and activities to help individuals manage their trauma-related issues and experience a greater sense of well-being. In addition, this workbook is designed to help provide facilitators and participants with tools and information needed to overcome the negative thoughts and feelings attached to the experiences related to the trauma.

CHF 44.15

Hi, my name is Nick Brooks; and to start, I would like to thank you for reading this devotional. It all began when I was working at a fabrication facility as a welding inspector. I had the responsibility of speaking about quality topics at the weekly safety meeting. I had not been saved very long, so I was very zealous for the Lord, and I began to testify and just say something about Jesus during the meeting each week. Everything was going great; everyone at work started getting curious about God and started asking questions. Many of them I did not know the answer to, but that gave me a chance to look up the answer in my Bible and learn God's Word for myself! Then one day, during a safety meeting, the foreman didn't give me an opportunity to speak! I was devastated. I didn't know why he didn't let me speak! I was determined not to let that stop me. My coworkers had started looking forward to me speaking and had started asking me what I would be speaking on the following week! THEY HAD BECOME HUNGRY FOR THE WORD! So I wrote down what I was going to say, made copies, and passed them out to everyone. Everybody complimented me on it so much, and at that time, I felt led by the Spirit to begin a new adventure in my life. During all my free time, I was studying my Bible and praying, asking God for guidance and direction, and to let the Holy Spirit use my hand to write the words that He would have these people to read each week! Every week, I typed and printed a devotional that was inspired by God. Sometimes I had to dig in the Word all week long just to complete a two-page devotion. Then at other times, it felt like the Holy Spirit took over and a four-page devotion was finished within just a few hours. Either way, the Lord had guided me in the writing of each one of these devotions, and I pray that they will bless each one that reads them! I pray that they inspire each one of you to give the Lord Jesus Christ praise, honor, and glory!

CHF 68.20

This is both a work of fiction and nonfiction. The work of fiction concerns the journal of one man's journey through the maze of a dystopian world, written subsequent to the rapture of the church during the rise of the new world order along with the prophesied coming of the Antichrist. It is written as a testimony to others that will be following in his footsteps to both warn and to encourage those now living in a world where to be known as a believer is an immediate death sentence. The non-fiction portion of the book is based upon over forty years of extensive study of the Word of God and will illuminate my reasoning behind the events and their timeline as depicted in this tale with extensive scriptural support. I am one who believes in Sola Scriptura-the Word alone defines and interprets itself. This book is a testimony to the sovereignty of God and as witness to those who find themselves living during these soon coming perilous days. For those who are longing for our Lord's return, may this book encourage the reader to delve deeper into his Word. Book Two The Journey of a Martyr's Companion (coming soon).

CHF 23.80

Kate, Emma, Harrison, and Parker are traveling back to Wyoming with their parents to visit their friend Jimmy, now called JW. He was their rescuer in The Ghost of Canyon Camp, and now lives with Father Mike and the boys of the Flying J Ranch near Cody, Wyoming. He has planned a wonderful, exciting vacation for them! He even has a Western ghost town for them to explore. What could go wrong? Emma senses danger and something coming. The four cousins meet a new friend at the Flying J, Tommy, a ten-year-old boy who has suffered the loss of his father and is unable to speak due to the trauma. Then there is Chief Joseph, the descendant of a Nez Perce Indian Chief, and his granddaughter, Shooting Star, who has a sixth sense, like Emma. All these acquaintances will play an important part in the dangerous adventure and mystery that the four cousins are about to embark on. It will be a roller-coaster ride filled with hungry wolves, cave-ins, becoming trapped in an abandoned mine, and the discovery of the secret of the Broken Arrow Mine that will bring a miracle as Kate, Emma, Harrison, and Parker help to offer salvation to a lost little boy and the boys at the Flying J Ranch. Come experience their newest hair-raising adventure!

CHF 35.50

Demons! When Lisa started to see demons, she knew that once again she was about to embark on another deadly mission. She was to face her deadliest foe, ending the evil reign of a witch called La Bruja, a witch with unimaginable supernatural powers. The power behind the witch was a monstrous dragon-demon. The witch and her demon master proved to be too powerful. Defeated, she woke flat on her back, disorientated, her leg pulsating in pain. She could barely move. She felt like she had fallen a thousand feet to the sandy ground. She felt jabs of pain; her eyes widened. Seagulls were pecking away at her bloody leg! She shooed them away. Crimson tainted beaks cried in protest as they fluttered away. She winced. Her jeans were ripped and congealed blood stained her tattered pants. She tried to move her leg. The pain was unbearable. Upon closer inspection, she saw that her calf was ripped open, almost completely gone with jagged teeth marks around the edges. The wound was blackened, oozing yellow-green pus. She shivered, gasping, "Who am I?" She tried to stand, but couldn't, there wasn't enough muscle left. The pain in her leg shot up her side. She fell back onto the sand. Dazed, she felt the back of her hurting head and was rewarded with a bloody hand. What happened to me? Why can't I remember anything? She lay back, cupping her hands over her face, trying hard to remember. She began to sob. This is the third book in the Shadow series. The first book in The Shadow Series, They Don't Cast Shadows, is a feature motion picture (

CHF 32.30

God has a unique calling for every individual that fits His special plan and purpose for your life. This calling is the way you are to live on the earth and encompasses all your being and doing. Essentially, calling refers to belonging to Christ and participating in His redemptive work in the world in the special way He has called you. The two books in this series will help you to discern your calling from God and then pursue that calling with passion and obedience, relying on the Lord Jesus Christ to fulfill the calling by doing His work in you and through you. In the process, you will experience miracles from God - all to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ! You will benefit by getting to know God in a personal way, deepening your daily walk with Him, and fulfilling your calling. By discerning, responding, and fulfilling your calling, you will experience the abundant life God intends you to have (John 10:10). In his books, Dr. Naresh Malhotra thoroughly explains the various callings of God with great insight from the Scriptures. Whether you are trying to discern and respond to the calling of God on your life, I encourage you to read both books, starting with God is Calling You: Discerning the Calling of God, and following it up with his second book, God is Calling You: Responding to the Calling of God. Dr. Charles Stanley Pastor Emeritus, First Baptist Church, Atlanta Founder and President of In Touch Ministries These powerful and compelling volumes will not only inspire and challenge you to greater Christian living, but could very well bring spiritual renewal and revival to the Christian Church. Dr. J. Gerald Harris Pastor and retired editor of The Christian Index

CHF 52.85

Unseen evil lurks beside you. And they don't cast shadows. Lisa McGrath is just an ordinary high school student, until her spiritual rebirth gifts her with a supernatural gift that allows her to see the unseen spirit world. Lisa sees that demons have overrun her hometown, causing misery and death. She is told that she was given her gift to rid her small rural hometown of the demon infestation. But how can a seventeen-year-old girl stop these monsters who have lingered for thousands of years? She meets a mysterious teenage boy with raven-black hair, tall and athletic. Aided by this boy, Lisa finds romance and danger as they fight alongside angels to rid her hometown of the demons. But things do not always go as planned. During the battle, Lisa is captured by a demon and destined for human sacrifice. Lisa is helpless, with no escape and death waiting for her. Time is running out. Can her friends find her in time? Suspenseful and romantic, Lisa's world gives a peek into the spirit realm where evil sometimes wins.

CHF 24.90

For first-century private detective, Jake Jezreel, it was the best of times. He had just wrapped up a scintillating investigation he called "The Case of Trailing the Bloody Footprints." Jake had met Jesus Christ in the midst of that investigation. He had surrendered his life to Christ. And Jake's life never would be the same again. But suddenly, in the afterglow of those joyous days after Jesus's resurrection, the world collapsed in on top of Jake. It abruptly became the worst of times. Religious persecution descended upon the Christian church in Jerusalem, led by the chief priests and zealous leaders, wreaking havoc upon all Christ's believers. In the midst of this persecution, a new and savage animal sprang up, whose name was Saul of Tarsus. Saul attacked the Christian church with a vengeance, aiming to wipe the Christian "cult" from the face of the earth. Jake found himself and his faithful secretary, Hannah, caught in the onslaught and on the run. The persecution was crashing in all around them. Christians were being imprisoned. Some were being brutalized. Some were being killed. For the moment, Jake and Hannah stayed one jump ahead of the devouring enemy. But how long could they avoid the clutches of the vicious mob chasing after them? Wherever they hid, the terror prowled right outside the door. Could Jake and Hannah somehow dodge the relentless menace? If they were caught, what brutal tactics would the authorities savage upon them? Jake knew that in a crossfire, there is nowhere to hide. He also knew that time was running out and the walls were slowly closing in upon them.

CHF 26.35

This workbook was designed for individuals who have experienced trauma. This workbook can be used independently or in conjunction with individual therapy and/or group therapy. This workbook allows the individual to identify and process their experienced trauma through a combination of narrative therapy, imagery, and various coping techniques such as mindfulness. This workbook also provides a number of self-guided activities, allowing participants to heal on their own time. The purpose of this workbook is to provide a user-friendly guide to assessments and activities to help individuals manage their trauma-related issues and experience a greater sense of well-being. In addition, this workbook is designed to help provide facilitators and participants with tools and information needed to overcome the negative thoughts and feelings attached to the experiences related to the trauma.

CHF 53.10

There's not one person that at some time hasn't gone through some kind of trial. Suffering has a way of making us self-centered, but the fact is we are not the only ones suffering. Our family and friends are hurting for us. They're praying for us and going out of their way and taking up their time to help out however they can. For a lot of us, their suffering hurts us more than what we are going through. At some point, we start questioning God and wondering why God has forsaken us. God has a time and a purpose for our tribulations. This book was written to help you understand God loves you. You need to take your trials and pain to him. His grace will comfort you. The hope is that this book will encourage you to look for the blessings you can receive through trials.

CHF 20.65

God reveals the exact meaning in the book of Revelation through the author, Sarah Seoh, that the apostle John originally tried to deliver to us. Many people tried to understand the book of Revelation correctly but were unable to. However, God did so through the author, Sarah Seoh. God opened her spiritual eyes to see hell and heaven for several years and allowed her to understand the exact meaning of the book of Revelation. The author met Jesus and apostle John in heaven, who wrote the book of Revelation in the Bible. Therefore, the author gets insights into a lot of questions regarding the book of Revelation and solves them. There are many books about understanding the book of Revelation, but none of them solve the questions about the book. But this book clearly explains the book of Revelation. The original book, Understanding the book of Revelation, consists of three parts: the first part, the second part, and the third part, the summary of the book. In the original book she describes daily visits to heaven and talking with Jesus and the apostle John about the book of Revelation. This book, however, contains only the third part and the summary of the book. It contains only the essential part to understand the book of Revelation. It will make you understand the book of Revelation clearly. The original book, Understanding the book of Revelation, will be also published soon.

CHF 22.75

God did an amazing thing when a young man from the mountains of southwest Virginia met a young woman from metropolitan Washington, D.C. The influence of their early lives, their meeting and the miraculous happenings that followed is the story that is contained within the covers of this book. God took a country boy and made him a missionary. He was a scrapper as a young boy, never backing away from a fight. God led him and his family to the country of the Philippines where he fought for the souls of men. Living in an area of the Philippines that was dangerous and filled with threats from the communist party called the New People's Army, he was consumed with passion to reach the lost with the gospel of Christ. The family was faced with attacks from physical enemies as well as the spiritual enemy, Satan, in an effort to stop the progression of the spread of the gospel. This story is one that is filled with true life experiences which will keep the reader spellbound. It takes twists and turns through valleys and mountains tops to reveal what God can do through two ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things. To be a servant of Christ requires a call, a cost and a commitment. These three things are evident in the lives of this missionary couple. The ministry of this courageous missionary family continues on today in the Philippines and throughout the world through individuals who were impacted by their ministry.

CHF 74.90

God has a unique calling for every individual that fits His special plan and purpose for your life. This calling is the way you are to live on the earth and encompasses all your being and doing. Essentially, calling refers to belonging to Christ and participating in His redemptive work in the world in the special way He has called you. The two books in this series will help you to discern your calling from God and then pursue that calling with passion and obedience, relying on the Lord Jesus Christ to fulfill the calling by doing His work in you and through you. In the process, you will experience miracles from God - all to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ! You will benefit by getting to know God in a personal way, deepening your daily walk with Him, and fulfilling your calling. By discerning, responding, and fulfilling your calling, you will experience the abundant life God intends you to have (John 10:10). In his books, Dr. Naresh Malhotra thoroughly explains the various callings of God with great insight from the Scriptures. Whether you are trying to discern and respond to the calling of God on your life, I encourage you to read both books, starting with God is Calling You: Discerning the Calling of God, and following it up with his second book, God is Calling You: Responding to the Calling of God. Dr. Charles Stanley Pastor Emeritus, First Baptist Church, Atlanta Founder and President of In Touch Ministries These powerful and compelling volumes will not only inspire and challenge you to greater Christian living but could very well bring spiritual renewal and revival to the Christian Church. Dr. J. Gerald Harris Pastor and retired editor of The Christian Index

CHF 55.60

The Book of Affinitive Life and, in conjunction, The Book of Life Part 2 are mainly about life on the earth concerning hate as an affinitive life of unprovoked attacks by raw signals of hate uninvited. As a consequence of a shock attack of trauma, terror, or horror, respectively, in your conscious mind at the threshold level, you are thereby forced to run into your subconscious mind of darkness just below the threshold of consciousness of light for psychological cover, safety, or protection characterized by your emotions. In conjunction, you are involuntarily forced to express a hate gene that is a bad gene that becomes a bad spirit principal part grudge, hate, or hatchet of hatred, and its bad spirit constituent part grudge, hate, or hatchet of hatred. For that reason, the name of this book is The Book of Affinitive Life and, in conjunction, the Book of Life. It is The Book of Affinitive Life to the Natural Side of Life, and the Book of Life to the Spirit Side of Life. It is called The Book of Affinitive Life as it refers to and relates to the natural side of life first, and then to the same degree, it relates to the spirit side of life second, which characterizes the Book of Life. Affinitive life is not one life you live but rather many individual lives as an integral part of your natural life by its acquired spirit grafted into your natural spirit. By means of which, addictive life is distinguished as not having roots in your natural spirit, and for that reason, it is just a natural process of cleanliness of addiction out of the brain as genotypic addiction in response to phenotypic addiction. Your spiritual life is no exception to the rule of the process of affinitive lives, because it too, like affinitive life, is an integral part of your natural life. On the contrary, your spiritual life centers on spiritual love for the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, whereas affinitive life of invited signals from a particular person, place, thing, activity, event experienced in the environment centers on affinitive love for whom or what it derived. This is what The Book of Affinitive Life and, in conjunction, The Book of Life Part 1 is all about. Otherwise, affinitive life centers on hatred of an unprovoked attack by a raw signal of hate uninvited from a particular person, place, thing, activity, or event experienced or witnessed. The Book of Affinitive Life Part 2 brings to light the impact affinitive lives of hatred have on our natural life and society in general as a hate spirit. Its only aim is violence, death, and/or destruction against you and/ or whom or what your principal part bad spirit hatred is for. Therefore, nature's principal remedy for hatred is to bury your entire bad spirit principal part grudge or hatred. All affinitive lives are lived out optionally in conjunction with natural life as an integral part, as a habitual lifestyle or habit in natural life of affinitive life. This book is to show you how hate functions in your life as a living spirit in response to Satan the devil as the prince of the air influences on it and homogeneous people, places, things, activities, or events experienced or witnessed. So as to evoke awareness in you and thereby give you a conscious effect in your subconscious mind to remind you of your unprovoked attack and by which stir up hatred within you.

CHF 45.25

A Sheep's Tale, book 3 of The Seventieth Week Chronicles, is a work of fiction that intersects with the paths of the protagonists, John and Techie, of the first two books: The Making of a Martyr and The Journey of a Martyr's Companion. It is a two-part tale of a young woman with a checkered past trying to turn her life around when she is caught up in a world gone insane. Fleeing a major metropolis, she finds her way into the rural Midwest where she attempts to live a quiet life. Renting a small bungalow, she befriends her new neighbors Techie and his new companion who work at newly constructed prison. She soon finds herself confronted with a decision whether to become involved or not in a clandestine operation. Her decision finds herself, along with some new friends, as fugitives of the state. Living off the grid, she and her friends are alive when the Lord returns in judgment. Part two of the book finds her standing on a sea of golden glass awaiting the judgment of the sheep versus the goats. Being found among the sheep, they are introduced to a new world created for them and the nation of Israel. What follows is the author's imagination based on multitudes of scriptures contained in an appendix named "A Sheep's Tale--Index of Scriptural References." Eternity with God is beyond our imagination, but the Word has plenty to say about a new world and the lives of those who will reside upon it for a thousand years.

CHF 24.90

Book 2 of the Seventieth Week Chronicles is work of fiction that picks up the story moments after John Doe and Techie part ways at the end of the fictional portion of Book 1: The Making of a Martyr. It is a fast-paced action story of Techie living on the run, eventually being reunited with John for one last mission. It is a dystopian world where nothing can be taken for granted, few can be trusted, and where the reader is introduced to the beasts of the second WOE. It is a testimony to the hand of God surrounding two of his faithful witnesses, as it displays God's providence that ultimately carries them through to the end. One thing they find in their trials and tribulations is that they are not alone as God provides a mixed cast of characters to see them though, to their own peril. Their relationship with one another is much like that of Paul and Timothy. John used every waking moment to testify to the grace of God, and eventually his protege, Techie, learned to honor his mentor in his own way. It is a story of courage and sacrifice during a period that no one should desire to experience firsthand.

CHF 26.35

B-17 Down is the true story of (my dad) Captain Charles R. Phillips's incredible jump through his B-17 bomb bay doors from two hundred feet (indicated) onto a Berlin field. As pilot, he was the last to jump, but he and his entire crew survived their bailout and thirteen months as German POWs. Ahead of the Russian advance, the prisoners were forced to march for six days in bitter cold then spent two days on unheated cattle cars traveling from Poland into Germany. Patton's army arrived just in time to free the starving men. At five feet eleven, Charles weighed less than ninety pounds. Portrayed as historical fiction, much of the account is taken from a diary he wrote on the back of cigarette wrappers, flight log, letters, and from the memoirs of one of his crew. Charles's and his wife's war stories, historical research, and the author's imagination fill the gaps. B-17 Down begins when Charles met his wife, Doris, at his father's stock brokerage office. Their unconventional courtship led to an unconventional wedding in November 1942. Before his deployment to Bassingbourn, England, in September 1943, Doris followed him from air base to air base while he trained. In April 1944, just two months after the birth of their daughter (me), Doris received the fateful "missing in action" telegram. For six weeks, she had no idea whether Charles lived or died, but she didn't sit at home. Instead, she aided the war effort as POW chairwoman for Waterbury, Connecticut. When his B-17 went into a deadly spin, Charles said his life flashed before his eyes. The heavy bomber miraculously straightened after he prayed. He traced his salvation and strong faith in Jesus back to that moment, but his deprivations took a severe toll on his body. Rheumatoid arthritis froze his joints and shrank him to under five feet tall. All four of his children came to know the Lord in large measure because of his consistent walk with the Lord (three were born after he came home). He retired from the Air Force Reserve as lieutenant colonel and remained close friends with several of his crew throughout his life.

CHF 35.90