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Christian Faith Publishing


The Boomer the Wonder Dog children's book series is an effort to promote biblical principles and truths in a narrative form using stories about a real dog and his family. All of the stories are actual circumstances that have been modified to meet the criteria. Boomer was a 110-pound Black Labrador Retriever that grew up in South Louisiana and lived to be 12 years old. Boomer was dearly loved by both family and friends. Boomer was an angel sent by God to teach unconditional love and long-suffering to anyone that knew him. Boomer was also the class clown, and there was never a dull moment with him. If dogs are allowed in heaven, Boomer is probably sitting on a cloud, anxiously waiting for Jesus to throw him another ball to retrieve.

CHF 28.95

"Ah Lord GOD! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee:" -Jeremiah 32:17 God our creator, who gives us the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat. Do you ever think about where all this comes from? In the beginning, God created heaven and earth, land, waters, sky above, trees, plant life, birds, animals, fruit trees, insects, the grass we walk on, the sun that warms the earth, and the full moon for lovers of all ages. God did all this so we could have life. I never thought about any of this until I started writing this book. I was so busy with my everyday life-going to work or school, playing golf and tennis, fishing, hunting, and a thousand other things I would do. I have to stop and thank God for all I have-my health, two children, three grandchildren, and my mom who is eighty-eight years young. It is never too late to get down on your knees and thank God for all he has given us. God is awesome! On the seventh day God rested! "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer." -Psalms 19:14

CHF 39.50

This book has been written to thank and honor God for his love and the gift of my wife, Kathy. A love story of a couple only God could have brought together. Blessings come in many different ways and at times in our life when we are least expecting them. Other than my salvation, the biggest gift God has ever blessed me with was undoubtedly my wife, Kathy. She is not only an amazing gift from God but a living testimony and inspiration of how I believe God asks us to live each day to show and share his love for others. I hope to share with others what real love and sacrifice in a marriage can do, if given from your heart, and appreciating what God has given each of us, if we just look, listen, and believe, he will guide us each step daily. I have known for almost fifty years, how special my wife has always been, long before God chose to take her to heaven. Kathy, my loving wife, this book is written for you through God's words, in hope others can learn and live life as the beautiful example you have set before us all. Please know you not only are my wife but still what my world revolves around each day. Thank you for the inspiration and influence you bring to my heart every day. God is still allowing you to guide me in all I do each day. You, Kathy, have taught me what love really is, and I praise God for him letting us spend this life with each other. One last thing, please know--honey, I miss us!

CHF 29.55

May you seek great Southern and family recipes that are fun and easy. This cookbook offers simple and tasty recipes that have been family favorites for generations. May you find that reading this book offers encouragement, love, joy and peace that brings you hope. 1

CHF 74.90

Society's latest attempt to create unity among the diverse people of the world was to create one government, one unified race of people. Integral--and without which, this goal could not be accomplished--was the Leaving. Well-intentioned but fatally flawed and cruel at its inception. A state-mandated and tightly controlled expulsion of all children at the age of eighteen from their homes. Their destinations only known by the state. Their goodbyes to their family and friends are final. The story begins as one family--Father, Son, and Daughter--prepares for Son's Leaving. The state, in its cold efficiency, plans every detail of his last day together. The state, however, did not plan for the train accident that sends Son in a panic, running away, and has Daughter and Father now presumed enemies of the state in their search for him. Meanwhile, in the form of a man and woman, the eternal emerges. Walking among them. Silent of late. Wakening to heal the poison that the state represents. The rebellion has begun. The story bending time and space, interweaved with all others. Some feeling the effects first. Others to a greater degree. Others to a lesser degree. Those in power took notice and took action. This, it knew, would come to pass. This was necessary, inevitable. Many times in many worlds, it had waited for the time to waken. The time to choose was now. Some worlds had chosen poorly. All He/She had was hope and a small group of unlikely rebels.

CHF 26.35

Everything about the Christmas season points to a change in the status quo, a divine interruption of our mundane worlds. Whether it is the chill of the December air-- the cheerful, colors of our seasonal decorations-- the shopping-- the parties-- the special foods-- All capture us with special, inexplicable feelings of childlikeness and joy. But for someone whose life has been shattered into a million pieces, Christmas can be a painful time of remembering. Emotions can begin to surface in these hearts that can cause them to spiral into depression and darkness. That is why at Christmas, we must look past the superficial trappings of the holiday and study the true story of Christ-mas. We all need the story God sent the angels to sing: There is light in the darkness! There is peace on earth! Goodwill toward all people! Upon those sitting in darkness, the True Light has shined! Joy to the world--the Lord has come! If you or someone you know needs a fresh reminder of those simple truths that set the captive free, follow the story of Gloria and Zach, Jeanne and Jim, as they witness in a myriad of ways the true miracle of Christmas!

CHF 43.05

Gearlene has completed an associates of arts in education at Napa Valley College, Napa, California. Her bachelor and master's degrees in Criminology were earned at the University of West Georgia. After retirement, she is looking forward to obtaining a second master's in Criminal Psychology and penning more textbooks. For over thirty years, she has worked as a private investigator licensed in six states and as a security advisor and armed guard supervisor. Currently, she is engaged in third party investigations for various companies in the insurance industry. That includes face-to-face meetings with perpetrators and claimants from hit and run fatalities to burglary and in conducting surveillances. Surveillances are performed from extremely rural areas to the most affluent and all the in-betweens. Spare time is spent penning movie scripts. One (Kinship) has been produced starring Carl Payne (Cole on the Martin TV show). Several in the suspense/horror genre are awaiting production. Her husband, Jerrell, is a deputy in the Warrants Division of the Sheriff's Office. He conducts location research to serve judge ordered warrants within the community. A deputy and a PI have interesting conversations at the dinner table!

CHF 48.60