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Dreamscape Media Audio

When Ana fails at her duties as a tree guardian, she opens the door for dark magic to take hold of the Mother Tree-the source of all magic in the region. An evil force moves throughout the Lingering Sea, and no witch is safe. Ana must turn to Carlo, the grandson of her best friend and the missing key to saving the tree and righting her wrongs. Unfortunately, Carlo's sanity rests on a razor's edge and may lead to the salvation or destruction of all magic...
CHF 18.90
Diane is forty-eight years old and-according to her husband-boring...which is apparently the reason that he had an affair and left her. After taking the charge to heart, Diane decides to undertake a ribald and highly entertaining journey that will help her restore trust in herself and others. An astute commentary on women and girls, gender differences, and the curious institution of marriage in the twenty-first century, Autopsy of a Boring Wife is a wonderfully fresh and engaging novel of the pitfalls and missteps of an apparently "boring" life that could be any of ours.
CHF 18.90