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Eve Langlais


It's time to cozy up with some werewolves who might be fighting for their lives but are still managing to find love.

Three previously released titles in one handy collection.

  • Werewolf Bodyguard On a mission to protect, this tough werewolf forgets to guard his heart.
  • Werewolf's Princess When a werewolf falls for a princess, he finds out he's not the only one who likes to bite.
  • Werewolf Noel His second chance at love needs a holiday miracle.

Fated mates romance featuring werewolves and a few vampires.

CHF 49.65

I can see everyone's future but my own. I've lived most of my life as a recluse because leaving my house means being bombarded with visions of the possible futures that exist with every step I take. If that person crosses the road here, they live, but if they go to the traffic lights at the corner, they'll get hit by someone running the red. It's a curse, and one I do my best to hide from until I'm dragged on a mission to rescue my sister. Not that my assassin sibling needs my help. What I don't expect is to be hit by a wave of power that throws my ability into overdrive-and threatens my sanity. Rather than drag my sisters into my nightmare, I enlist the aid of a professor specializing in arcane history. A man I could easily love, but I already know how that ends-with him dying at my feet. There has to be a way to change the future, but what if my choices bring about the apocalypse?

CHF 26.70

Even a bad boy on the wrong side of the law can fall in love. I can't believe I fell off the freaking cruise ship. Drowning seems certain until Lillie is rescued by a hot guy. A sinfully, sexy man who is also a criminal. I should kill her. She's seen too much. She knows what Cole is. And yet, he can't quite bring himself to toss her to the sharks, especially when she's more than willing to seduce him to stay alive. A man in his line of work knows better than to get emotionally attached. Women are trouble. When his enemies take her, he knows he should just walk way. But instead he'll do anything to get her back.

CHF 20.00

I'm the sister you don't want to meet in a dark alley. An assassin for hire, I've got skills other people don't. Blame my magical heritage and a mother who gifted me a set of knives and my first revolver not long after my sixteenth birthday. When a magical object transports me to a perilous jungle as part of a job interview, I have to admit I'm intrigued. So what if my future-seeing sister told me to avoid the stranger offering me employment. She also told me we'd end up lovers. I can see why. The Warden-real name Bane-is all kinds of sexy and grumpy and massively cursed. He needs me to keep him alive during some kind of arcane event. If I do, then I get to choose a treasure. Oh, and save the world. Me, a hero? Guess we'll see because I'm about to come face to face with more monsters than I knew existed. I'll be tested. Seduced. And, according to my sister, will most likely die. The odds are against me, but now that I've met my match, I'm determined to win this fight - and his love.

CHF 28.05

She'll do anything to find her brother, even torture a man for answers-but can she handle it when he decides to return the favor?¿ Steph's brother has gone missing and she's found a guy who might have answers, but he's not coughing up the goods. A little torture will loosen Gavin's tongue. But when pain doesn't work, she relies on seduction to get him to talk. ¿Except her plan to tease him into giving her answers backfires, and when Gavin gets loose, he's out for revenge-and pleasure.

CHF 25.30

Aliens are real, and it turns out they're angels.

A signal from Earth draws the attention of an ark with a crew of angels exploring the galaxy. But it's not just angels that answer the call.

Hell is planning an invasion and it's up to the heavenly choir to save humanity. Will they succeed - and discover love on the way?


  • Aziel It took an angel for me to believe in love, but does he care enough to defy Heaven's command and save me?
  • Zakai I found more than religion in an angel's kiss. But when given a choice, will he choose me or his duty to Heaven?
  • Elijah I'm working with the grumpiest angel to save the world. What will it take to turn that frown upside down?
  • Metatron He never expected to lead a rebellion and prays humanity is right when it claims love conquers all.

*A four in one collection of the previously published stories in the Elyon's Warriors series.

CHF 55.60

*Une romance polyamoureuse entre loups-garous. Thea n'a plus aucun espoir d'échapper au cauchemar qu'elle endure, jusqu'à ce que trois inconnus viennent subitement la secourir. Elle ne pourra cependant pas retourner à sa vie d'avant, pas avec un vampire complètement fou qui souhaite la retrouver et trois loups qui désirent la revendiquer comme compagne. Au départ, Trent cherchait seulement son frère disparu, mais il a fini par voler au secours d'une femme qui fait hurler le bête en lui. Il sait que c'est mal de vouloir la compagne de son défunt frère, mais il ne peut s'empêcher de la désirer. Ses amis aussi, d'ailleurs. Toutefois, le danger menace l'objet de leur désir et ils devront affronter le mal incarné avant de pouvoir l'en libérer. Quand on est un loup banni, le chemin pour la rédemption est solitaire. Jaxon pourra-t-il un jour se racheter auprès de sa meute et retourner dans les bras de la femme qu'il aime?

CHF 27.85

Dana a fui sa meute et leurs lois pour vivre selon ses propres règles, mais sa rébellion lui a coûté son bonheur. La loi de la meute oblige les femelles lycans à s'accoupler avec deux partenaires ou plus. Jeune et amoureuse, Dana décide de s'échapper plutôt que d'être forcée de subir ces relations-là. En cavale et constamment sur ses gardes, elle n'a pas le temps d'éprouver du bonheur... ou de l'amour. Quand son passé la rattrape et la ramène chez elle, elle remet tout à coup ses croyances en question. À sa grande surprise, elle prend conscience que son corps et sa louve intérieure désirent trois mâles.¿Désormais plus âgée et sage, pourra-t-elle accepter le mode de vie polyamoureux des lycans ? Ou la jalousie et la peur la feront-elles à nouveau fuir ? Une romance polyamoureuse entre loups-garous.

CHF 26.35