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Newman Springs


If you have ever worked with or had partners who had odd or strange idiosyncrasies, you will enjoy this book or maybe you were the strange one. Hmmm. An EMT's Memories or You Can't Make this S--- Up is written by Paul Coakley.

CHF 17.90

The hit cybersecurity book featured on Business Insider! The reason I decided to write this book is to show that we have to rethink how we look at security. We continue to use the same methods and the threat continues to evolve and bypass it, so we need to understand we need a paradigm shift and this book is to help you with this shift. The book takes you from the essential and fundamentals of defense required to protect our modern networks to the advanced concepts of segmentation and isolation to mitigate the risk, then we introduce you to the methods of deploying deception decoys on the network. With this book, you will learn how to flip the model. For years, we have listened to the statement "the attackers are at the advantage, because they only have to find one way in and we cannot secure every way in." This is true, but with the concepts covered in this book you can flip the model and turn the advantage to the defender, and as a result, you take control of your network! One packet is all we need to identify when they are within our network! We can control the path and route that the attackers pursue and simulate and present a replication of the required data within the segment while moving the real data to a safe location.

CHF 33.35

I decided to write these police stories to share with others and to give some insight into how police work and feel. I described real events from my view as a police officer. I also considered the perspectives of others affected by police actions and inactions. For those who are thinking about a career in law enforcement, I hope that this book provides some information to assist you with this serious decision. For those who are already in law enforcement, I hope this helps maintain high levels of honor and commitment. I also hope you accept that you have flaws in your organization and bring it to a higher level. Motivating hardened police officials to raise standards and to motivate peers is a formidable challenge. By reading this book, I hope that citizens and law enforcement personnel will expect high standards in the law enforcement professionals serving their community. I hope that this book either helps you improve the integrity in your organization or encourages people without integrity to find another career. With utmost respect for those who do this job well, G. Michael Sanborn

CHF 27.40

I believe that most of you would feel that an older bachelor coming into possession of a briefcase packed with Benjamins and then, in quick succession, meeting a beautiful alluring woman would believe that to be a dream come true. It could be, but what if it turned out to be fatal? Is Mr. Nice Guy prepared to deal with hardened criminals on their terms and maybe even prevail?

CHF 29.10

On a late summer's eve, in a small Nebraska town, a multitude of dragonflies gathered around a pear tree to partake in a feast of insects. The sound of their wings sounded like music as they moved in a spiral motion that seemed magical, and we danced with dragonflies.

CHF 25.15

Parlays and Teasers and Point Spreads, oh my! A Nickel, a Dime? Sports books and Bookies and Organized Crime. JFK, RFK, Christie and more. RICO, SCOTUS and PASPA no more. Football. Basketball. Baseball. Hockey. The NCAA!! What? Better yet...Who? Why? When? Where? How? Yes, Inside the Lines is here to de-mystify the incredibly mysterious and most often misunderstood World of Sports Betting. Since the first sporting event was conducted, there was no doubt betting on the outcome. And as sports grew in popularity, so, too, did betting...Gambling. So much so that this Sports Betting World took on all corners: from Jimmy "The Greek" Snyder, Las Vegas and New Jersey to ineffective laws, hard-hitting legislation that caused numerous battles between the Good and the Bad. It's a popular world, this Sports Betting World; one that fans know about an are interested in. Yet, despite the popularity and interest, many sports fans are afraid to enter into it due to its mysterious procedures and language. Well, Inside the Lines deems to clear it all up, virtue of Author Tom DeNigris personal journey through the world. Find out how this world all got started; who started it and where and how; who still stars in it; how our government and leagues fought against only to join it; how the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) opened the doors for all to enter in a very legal way. Read about the Laws, the battles, understand the jargon (Nickles and Dimes, Sharps and Squares, Money Lines, Totals et al), and a gentleman named Boxcar who makes a living betting on sporting events. Inside the Lines, a journey into The Who, What, When, Where, and How of the Sports Betting World.

CHF 24.90

Ask anyone what it means to fulfill life's destiny, and the answer they will give will almost always be, "You choose to make your own destiny." I did mention the word almost. When you are a spirited four-year-old boy with high aspirations whose Christian namesake was that of a coldhearted pimp, most would agree that your destiny was set on a predetermined course. Terry Christopher Carney was born into a legacy of male hustlers, gangbangers, and criminal masterminds, all of whom conveniently resided in the same household. When destiny's odds are stacked highly against you, one must ask oneself, "Is there really such a thing as the universe giving you a choice?" This book is a living reflection of one boy whose destiny took him down a harsh yet poignant path to manhood. Life can be a dream for some, but for Terry, it was a challenge.

CHF 64.25

This book is about my experience with the child support system in Ohio and how I met many obstacles dealing with the mother and the court system. It covers a fifteen-year battle with the mother and how it affected my family and my children's lives. Imagine being ordered to pay $1,200 a month for two children out of a monthly salary of $2,100 when you already are caring for an older child. Well that is what happened to me. I write about the key points throughout the process where I defy and then try to cooperate with the court, which led to my being charged with a felony for nonpayment and then imprisonment after a plea agreement had been reached, which the court did not honor. I talk about my time in prison and some of how the system works. I also detail how this affected my children, who were trying to establish a relationship with me before and after I got out of prison. At the end of the book, I write a proposal to change the child support system from one that is punitive to one that is a cooperation between parents that can eliminate the court completely based on what I tried to establish in my relationship with the mother. I offer a plan that will hopefully bring fathers back into their children's lives by presenting a solution that is focused on the child instead of being punitive to a parent. This book is needed now because not only does it affect the people of lower income like myself, but I often hear rich celebrities complain about how the child support system needs to be changed. The object of the book is not only to make the system equal for both parents but to also keep fathers in the lives of their children.

CHF 21.05

This book is written to assist prospective entrepreneurs and actively established businesses to succeed. The reality is that the current failure rate of new businesses is unacceptably high, and this book is designed to reduce this failure rate by providing potential and current entrepreneurs with a proven, step-by-step process to objectively evaluate both the financial and strategic decisions that drive successful new business creation. As well what aids established businesses in continuing to grow and expand profitably. The material throughout this book represents what I have learned in researching, teaching, and consulting with businesses for over 45 years. Every chapter includes practical and essential exercises to be completed by the reader which reinforce the critical concepts that influence effective decision-making. Successful entrepreneurship has been the most significant driver for creating personal wealth in our society and spurring economic growth. This book's ultimate objective is to provide a proven vehicle to assist any individual with the desire and motivation to achieve financial independence through business creation and growth.

CHF 52.40

Richard appeared to be an ordinary, active adolescent. He had been attending public school, with some difficulty, even though his intelligence was in the average range. At a glance, no one would suspect he had any problems. But Richard was not normal. He had Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). When the brother of Sherry T. Ford suddenly died, she became the legal guardian of his two sons, ages eleven and thirteen. This is her story about the older nephew, Richard, and how his mother's prenatal alcohol consumption permanently damaged his brain. Despite that there is a wealth of information on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), Fetal Alcohol Effect (FAE), and Alcohol Related Neurological Disorders (ARND), false claims about the effect of prenatal drinking continue, and the danger of prenatal alcohol exposure remains a threat to the baby in utero. Because the symptoms of FAS are not always easily identifiable to physicians and psychologists, misdiagnosis is frequent. Richard had significant physical and behavioral manifestations, yet FAS was never even considered. Sherry hopes that her journey and search for answers will help other families in both identifying and averting the syndrome. Every day, children are born with FAS through no fault of their own--a condition that is permanent and 100 percent preventable. This story is true and tragic. Sherry is optimistic that it will trigger awareness about the consequences of prenatal drinking. She believes that every child born should have a chance to reach their full life potential.

CHF 20.65

Making friends of little old ladies isn't always the wisest thing to do especially when they're the great-great-great- granddaughter of BlackHeart, the pirate whose maps to where he buried his treasures had never been found. Never been found, that is until the Larkin family comes along. Relive the times in stories told by Robert Louis Stevenson and portrayed by Walt Disney. Stories of adventurous people following an old map to where X indicates that something of value should be buried there. But don't let Swifty Blackwater and his band of modem day cutthroats-Yello D'awg (the hooded man), Maggoot, Blind Pilot, Ruflus, Fred, Jimy, Eddy, Tall Ed, Chit, and Toothless Terry know you've joined the crew of BlackHeart's brig, the SeaHound.

CHF 31.65

Surgeon Samantha Carothers thought she had finally found the perfect man, but when he dies, she becomes caught up in a love triangle. "Release the illusion," she was told by a holy man whose life she had just saved, and in trying to uncover its meaning, Dr. Sam found that the world around her was telling her just the opposite, and those worldly facts were slowly driving her insane. The only way to keep her sanity was to find out what was and what wasn't the truth, no matter the cost.

CHF 36.95

My buckaroo's eyes glowed with mischief, the gypsy fiddler fiddled in a mausoleum, the angel cooed by my bedside, Eiffel's joke still goes unrealized, all the buttons on her dress of indigo blue she removed, and primordial from his ball of clay slipped away. Their secrets and more are revealed in this book of poems written in glose form, sitting here waiting to delight your mind in having discovered the mysteries that have been liberated from within the mind of T. W'ski as you read his a la mode.

CHF 43.30

Attack, evade, and live to fight another day. The men of two countries who manned the U-601 during the Second World War became a family of brothers during their service to their individual countries. U-601 is a tribute story to the many unsung heroes that lived and died on both sides of the war that fought for a belief, or was it love for the man that commanded them?

CHF 36.95

America won her freedom from the king of England in 1812, and no president since George Washington has had the desire to take his place until now. Staying in the background the newly elected President of the United States has his front man gather a group of politicians and industrial leaders to take the first crucial step in his desire to rule this country single-handed. His plan however doesn't take into account the tenacity of the James Gang, who had in the past and are in the present willing to sacrifice everything for the good of their country. James Klein III and Ed Murphy co-founders and co-owners of International Communications and Fiber Optics and the leaders of the James Gang find themselves EMBATTLED with their sense of doing right for their country, for their employees, for their customers, and for their families. Aiding them in their Battle with their trust and loyalty are their friends and associates. Everyone that is EXCEPT for and most importantly, MRS. JAMES KLEIN III.

CHF 45.00

When on a fact-finding mission for the UN, an Inca gold figurine is discovered at the bottom of a crevice inside a glacier. A curious associate's interest in what that figurine represents, a jealous husband with a temper, and a man desperate enough to commit murder to prevent the discovery of his mismanagement of the family's vast investments are all part of the CROSSings' deadly story.

CHF 38.65

Burt was a seven-year-old who felt abandoned by his parents, who migrated to England with the promise of sooner than later bringing their seven children, who had been scattered out to family members on both sides of the family. Along with his three younger siblings, he was placed under the care of his mother's half sister in the parish of Saint Catherine. After enduring almost two years of hell, he was rescued by Aunt Edna, who found a home for him in Kingston with her cousin, thereby putting him on the course that would prepare him for the life he would later experience in America, that of a door-to-door salesman.

CHF 31.85

And They Danced is a picture book story written for mothers of all ages and seasons to read to and with their children and grandchildren. It captures the special moments that are shared between mother and child as the bond and relationship grows. It has universal appeal and will touch the heart of those who read it.

CHF 27.85

For many years, I have been paying attention to the destructive policies of the Democratic Party. They have been destructive to our nation; destructive to past, present, and future generations; and particularly destructive to the Black community. One has to only take an honest look at their history to see proof of the destruction.

CHF 19.60

With a continued passion for bringing a story to life, Cookies and Strawberries: The Rehab is a new story Hill offers readers that draws from his many experiences traveling across the United States and abroad, bringing a fresh approach to storytelling.Courage and resolution are extremely important in this dynamic story where those two words are synonymous with family. Dedication of heart, mind, and soul are evident throughout the plot, and you will see that, sometimes, the spirits of courage and resolution are interchangeable. In the fortitude of the main characters, you shall see their resilience of spirit throughout a variety of dramatic events in their lives.

CHF 35.90

The book is a coming-of-age story related to my grandparents' and parents' generations. I enjoyed listening to the stories of how my parents lived as teenagers and young adults, the skillset that they had which helped them make a way for themselves when they arrived in the City of Detroit, Michigan, in the fall season of 1952, a City which had at that time a population around 1.8 million people. Many people, like my parents, left small towns in the deep South, wanting a better opportunity for work and living. Education and a chance to build a better life for their children caused them to press their way to the big city.

CHF 36.55

"It's almost Christmas... But no presents have been delivered! Then suddenly, the waiting is over... And surprise follows surprise! Grab your hat and dive into the fun!"

CHF 27.85

Zero the Hero! Zero Helps a Curveball That Wouldn't Curve is a story about a young talented baseball player that learns how to improve his personal skills of pitching through hard work, study, and practice. But more importantly, it tells the story of how Zero learns very important life lessons, including the importance of perseverance, following through on achieving a goal despite difficulties, the joy and satisfaction a person can obtain by helping others, and putting other's successes ahead of one's own. Learning that you don't always win and sticking to your goals despite sometimes losing are central lessons a child will learn by reading this story. Zero's love of the game of baseball, but more importantly his ability to help a friend through a problem despite the possible conflict it could cause to Zero's own success, is an inspiration story for children (and adults) of all ages. The inspiration for such a story is based on multiple real-life events witnessed throughout the years by the author playing with and helping coach the game of baseball with his son, Joshua. Other books by the author: Zero the Hero! Zero Decides To Do His Best Zero the Hero! Zero Teaches Daily Exercise for Young Baseball Players and Athletes

CHF 43.50

The sixty-six books of the Holy Scripture were written by many penmen, over a space of fifteen centuries, yet it is one book and has one voice speaking through all its pages. The Bible is the word of God. It's very different from the sacred books of non-Christian religions. In those writings, it is man speaking about God; in the holy scriptures, it is God speaking to man. Reading this book, Truth, will provide you with further insights into the word of God.

CHF 22.15

Meet Pat and Patty Flaugherty (pronounced "flair-tee"), teenage fraternal twins who have a penchant for getting themselves involved in mysteries. They don't plan to become professional detectives, but never being ones to dismiss a challenge, they attack these mysteries wholeheartedly until they resolve them. As a team, they each bring their unique strengths to the investigations: Patty's keen eye for observation of details and Pat's ability to "read" people. But with very different personalities, they are often at odds with each other during the process. Pat is headstrong and can be impulsive; Patty is levelheaded and practical although sometimes too critical of her brother. Pat and Patty Flaugherty are drawn into their second mystery by an old friend who is now in college. When he appears on their doorstep with a "little problem" that he is reluctant to divulge, the twins are quickly caught up in an investigation of a scheme to launder counterfeit money throughout their home state. The mystery moves to the university campus where Pat and Patty search for missing school supplies and end up finding a campus secret that helps their friend and also leads them to solve a 35-year-old murder case in the Mystery on Campus.

CHF 36.55

Would you risk your life to follow your dreams? I did. Only I didn't know it at the time. For years, I longed to be a surrogate. I offered for friends struggling with fertility, even before I had my own children. My heart has always hurt for women who yearned for a family that their bodies couldn't give them. After completing our family, my husband and I embarked on the journey of getting matched with a hopeful couple who couldn't conceive. We did, and what unfolded over the next few months was something no one could have expected, even putting my and the baby's lives in danger. I survived by the grace of God, started writing, and these are my memoirs of a surrogate. -Melissa

CHF 49.65

Would you risk your life to follow your dreams? I did. Only I didn't know it at the time. For years, I longed to be a surrogate. I offered for friends struggling with fertility, even before I had my own children. My heart has always hurt for women who yearned for a family that their bodies couldn't give them. After completing our family, my husband and I embarked on the journey of getting matched with a hopeful couple who couldn't conceive. We did, and what unfolded over the next few months was something no one could have expected, even putting my and the baby's lives in danger. I survived by the grace of God, started writing, and these are my memoirs of a surrogate. -Melissa

CHF 29.10