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Los siete locos es una novela del escritor argentino Roberto Arlt editada en el mes de octubre de 1929. En ella se desarrollan algunos de los problemas planteados por el existencialismo filosófico. Las cuestiones morales, la soledad, la angustia ante el sin sentido de la vida y la desolación de la muerte son temas recurrentes en la arquitectura metafísica de sus protagonistas. Es una obra de lúcida crítica social a la Argentina de los años veinte. Los siete locos culmina con Los lanzallamas, novela que Arlt editaría en 1931.

Roberto Emilio Godofredo Arlt (Buenos Aires; 26 de abril de 1900 - ib.; 26 de julio de 1942), más conocido como Roberto Arlt, fue un novelista, cuentista, dramaturgo, periodista e inventor argentino. Considerado como uno de los escritores argentinos más importantes del siglo xx, en especial por El juguete rabioso (1926), Los siete locos (1929), Los Lanzallamas (1931), El Amor Brujo (1932) en el ámbito novelístico, junto con importantes estelas en el teatro, con obras como Trescientos millones (1932), La isla desierta (1937), y en la prensa argentina, con sus variopintas aguafuertes que se publicaban semanalmente en el diario El Mundo.

CHF 0.90

The Mystery of Orcival is an 1867 detective novel by the 19th century French writer Émile Gaboriau, in his Monsieur Lecoq series.

Émile Gaboriau (9 November 1832 - 28 September 1873) was a French writer, novelist, journalist, and a pioneer of detective fiction.

CHF 0.90

The Well of Loneliness is a lesbian novel by British author Radclyffe Hall that was first published in 1928. It follows the life of Stephen Gordon, an Englishwoman from an upper-class family whose "sexual inversion" (homosexuality) is apparent from an early age.

Marguerite Antonia Radclyffe Hall (12 August 1880 - 7 October 1943) was an English poet and author, best known for the novel The Well of Loneliness, a groundbreaking work in lesbian literature. In adulthood, Hall often went by the name John, rather than Marguerite.

CHF 0.90

The book The Communistic Societies of the United States by Charles Nordhoff represents a significant contribution to the sociology of communes and utopian communities in the United States during the 19th century.

In this work, Nordhoff provides a detailed account of his visits and observations of various communal societies, including the Shakers, the Amana Colony, the Perfectionists, the Icarians, and several others. He sought to understand their social structures, economic systems, religious beliefs, and daily lives.

Nordhoff's book is valuable for historians, sociologists, and anyone interested in the history of communal living experiments in the United States. It offers valuable insights into the motivations and challenges faced by these communities and provides a comprehensive overview of the diverse range of utopian and communal movements that emerged during the 19th century.

CHF 0.90

Angela da Foligno (Foligno, 1248 - Foligno, 4 gennaio 1309) è stata una mistica e terziaria francescana italiana, beatificata nel 1693 da papa Innocenzo XII e canonizzata per equipollenza da papa Francesco il 9 ottobre 2013.

Approdi è una collana culturale interdisciplinare a cura di Margherita Merone.

Margherita Merone è nata e vive a Roma. Dottoressa in Teologia. Ha scritto racconti per bambini, libri di narrativa, saggi di cristologia, un compendio di mariologia.
Per Passerino Editore ha pubblicato "Empatia e Trinità", "Maria una vita di umiltà e discepolato", "La bellissima stella Luce".

CHF 0.90

La volpe è un'indagine toccante e psicologica sull'amore, l'identità e la ricerca della felicità. La trama ruota attorno a due donne, Jill Banford e Nellie March, che vivono insieme in una fattoria nella campagna inglese. Mentre la prima guerra mondiale infuria le due donne si trovano isolate dal mondo esterno e la loro relazione assume dimensioni complesse e intense. Le loro vite vengono sconvolte dall'arrivo di un soldato, Henry Grenfel, che introduce una tensione romantica e sessuale nella dinamica tra le due donne.

David Herbert Lawrence, è stato un romanziere, poeta, saggista e critico letterario inglese. Nacque l'11 settembre 1885 a Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, in Inghilterra, e morì il 2 marzo 1930 a Vence, in Francia. Lawrence è meglio conosciuto per i suoi romanzi che esplorano temi di relazioni emotive e sessuali, individualismo e connessione tra umanità e natura.

Traduzione di Carlo Linati.

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Quebec City is the capital city of the Canadian province of Quebec. As of July 2021, the city had a population of 549,459, and the metropolitan area had a population of 839,311. It is the eleventh-largest city and the seventh-largest metropolitan area in Canada. It is also the second-largest city in the province after Montreal.
The Algonquian people had originally named the area Kébec, an Algonquin word meaning "where the river narrows", because the Saint Lawrence River narrows proximate to the promontory of Quebec and its Cape Diamant. Explorer Samuel de Champlain founded a French settlement here in 1608, and adopted the Algonquin name.

Samuel de Champlain (13 August 1567 - 25 December 1635) was a French colonist, navigator, cartographer, draftsman, soldier, explorer, geographer, ethnologist, diplomat, and chronicler. He made between 21 and 29 trips across the Atlantic Ocean, and founded Quebec, and New France, on 3 July 1608. An important figure in Canadian history, Champlain created the first accurate coastal map during his explorations, and founded various colonial settlements.

CHF 0.90

Margherita d'Ungheria (Fortezza di Clissa, 27 gennaio 1242 - Isola delle Lepri, 18 gennaio 1271) fu una principessa ungherese che divenne suora domenicana; è venerata come santa dalla Chiesa cattolica.

Approdi è una collana culturale interdisciplinare a cura di Margherita Merone.

Margherita Merone è nata e vive a Roma. Dottoressa in Teologia. Ha scritto racconti per bambini, libri di narrativa, saggi di cristologia, un compendio di mariologia.
Per Passerino Editore ha pubblicato "Empatia e Trinità", "Maria una vita di umiltà e discepolato", "La bellissima stella Luce".

CHF 0.90

The Red Badge of Courage is a war novel by American author Stephen Crane (1871-1900). Taking place during the American Civil War, the story is about a young private of the Union Army, Henry Fleming, who flees from the field of battle. Overcome with shame, he longs for a wound, a "red badge of courage", to counteract his cowardice. When his regiment once again faces the enemy, Henry acts as flag-bearer, carrying the regimental colors.

Stephen Crane (November 1, 1871 - June 5, 1900) was an American poet, novelist, and short story writer. Prolific throughout his short life, he wrote notable works in the Realist tradition as well as early examples of American Naturalism and Impressionism. He is recognized by modern critics as one of the most innovative writers of his generation.

CHF 0.90

Sylvia's Lovers (1863) is a novel by English author Elizabeth Gaskell, which she called "the saddest story I ever wrote".

Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell (née Stevenson; 29 September 1810 - 12 November 1865), often referred to as Mrs Gaskell, was an English novelist, biographer, and short story writer.

CHF 0.90

Ariane, jeune fille russe est un roman de Claude Anet publié en 1920, aux Éditions de la Sirène.

Claude Anet, né Jean Schopfer le 28 mai 1868 à Morges (Suisse) et mort le 9 janvier 1931 à Paris (France), est un écrivain, journaliste et joueur de tennis français. Il est l'auteur de Ariane, jeune fille russe et de Mayerling, tous deux plusieurs fois adaptés au cinéma.

CHF 0.90