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Seven Stories Press


El primer libro del Che, escrito tras su experiencia de lucha en Cuba, imprescindible para entender el pensamiento del guerrillero heroico, en el que teoría y práctica revolucionarias siempre fueron unidas.

Che Guevara intended this book to be a manual on guerrilla warfare, as inspiration for revolutionary movements in Latin America, Africa and Asia, stressing the need for an underpinning political motivation to guerrilla methods, organisation and supply. Guevara emphasizes that guerrilla warfare is a favorable method against totalitarian regimes, where political opposition and legal civil struggle is impossible to conduct.

CHF 10.45

El diario del segundo viaje a lo largo de Latinoamérica de un joven argentino, revelando el afloramiento de un comprometido revolucionario conocido como "el Che."

Esta secuela a Diarios de motocicleta incluye cartas, poesía y periodismo
que documentan el segundo viaje latinoamericano del joven Ernesto Guevara después de obtener su título de la facultad de medicina en 1953. Revela como el joven argentino se transforma en un revolucionario militante, listo para comprometerse a la lucha guerrillera que Fidel Castro y sus compañeros están por lanzar en Cuba contra la dictadura del general Fulgencio Batista. Luego de viajar a través de Bolivia, Perú, Ecuador y Centroamérica, Ernesto es testigo del golpe de Estado inspirado por Estados Unidos en Cuba en 1954, el cual tiene un profundo efecto en su conciencia política. Huye a México donde conoce a Fidel Castro, marcando el principio de una colaboración política que provoca un cambio profundo en el mundo y en el Che.

Incluye un prólogo de Alberto Granado, el compañero del Che en sus primeras aventuras a lo largo de Latinoamérica en una motocicleta Norton antigua, y presenta poemas escritos por el joven Ernesto inspirados por sus experiencias junto a facsímiles de las páginas de su diario.

CHF 13.90

A veritable "Globalization for Dummies," 10 Reasons to Abolish the IMF & World Banklays bare the most common myths of globalization in a clear and understandable way. Looking with hope to grassroots movement-building on a global scale, Danaher presents ten arguments for abolishing the IMF and World Bank and replacing them with democratic institutions that would make the global economy more accountable to an informed and active citizenry.
Conceived as an effort to educate the public about how international institutions of "free trade" are widening the gap between the rich and poor globally, Danaher reveals how the lending policies of the IMF and the World Bank fail to benefit Third World peoples, and instead line the pockets of undemocratic rulers and western corporations while threatening local democracies and forcing cuts to social programs.
Through anecdotes, analysis, and innovative ideas, Danaher argues that the IMF and the World Bank undermine our most basic democratic values, and calls for reframing the terms on which international economic institutions are operated using the principles of environmental sustainability, social justice, and human rights.

CHF 8.10

Counting on Community is Innosanto Nagara's follow-up to his hit ABC book, A is for Activist. Counting up from one stuffed piñata to ten hefty hens--and always counting on each other--children are encouraged to recognize the value of their community, the joys inherent in healthy eco-friendly activities, and the agency they posses to make change. A broad and inspiring vision of diversity is told through stories in words and pictures. And of course, there is a duck to find on every page!

CHF 17.00