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"It Can't Happen Here" by Sinclair Lewis is a satirical novel that depicts the rise of a fascist government in the United States, exploring themes of power, democracy, and individual freedom. Through the story of a demagogic politician who becomes president, Lewis warns against the fragility of democracy and the dangers of authoritarianism. The novel is a critical examination of American society and politics in the 1930s, highlighting the potential for tyranny even in a democratic nation.
CHF 13.50
"The Iliad" by Homer is an epic poem central to ancient Greek literature, narrating the siege of Troy. It explores themes of heroism, the wrath of Achilles, the nature of fate, and the quest for glory. Homer, a semi-legendary figure, is credited with composing both "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey," foundational works of Western literature.
CHF 15.30
"El Capital" de Karl Marx es una crítica a la economía política y al sistema capitalista, donde Marx desarrolla la teoría del materialismo histórico, la plusvalía y la lucha de clases. A través de un análisis detallado de la producción, circulación y distribución de la riqueza, Marx busca exponer las contradicciones internas del capitalismo y su tendencia hacia la explotación del trabajo. Esta obra es fundamental para entender la economía marxista y su impacto en los movimientos sociales y políticos.
CHF 12.35