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The trees clap their hands singing praises unto the LORD! The trees are everyones FRIEND, they give oxygen to the wind! The Fruitful Trees and tall cedars Praise The LORD!

CHF 4.10

"Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord..." -Moses Have you ever been faced with a situation that you couldn't see a way out? Inside are true stories told by real people. All of these have been through dark times and have all been delivered to share the tale. What did they have that helped them through? Read their Salvation Stories and find out.

CHF 4.10
The book Why Did You Come If You Leave Again? is an ethnographers personal account of the five years he spent in one of the remotest parts of Africa. In the authors comprehensive monograph (eight volumes published by Schwabe) about the Anyuak, a little-known tribe in South Sudan, there was no space left for a portrait of the person who did the fieldwork, his professional and personal itinerary, his experiences and attitudes, his relationship with the local peoplelet alone for all the adventures he lived when crossing the wilderness and when struggling to stay alive.The travel autobiography sheds light on the long and tedious process of ethnographic fieldwork; it is both personal and profound, varying between moments of actions and reflections and eventually leading to an intimate encounter with an African culture. The many riveting stories told in the book are signposts of a spiritual, psychological, philosophical, and physically exhausting expedition through arid savannah, flooded plains, and compact walls of elephant grass to the spiritual home of a courageous people who have created in the middle of wilderness a center of humanity. Though the narrative is essentially about the discovery of a foreign culture, it also relates the exploration of the ethnographers own identity in an environment that didnt offer any possibility to escape.The book is about thirst, starvation, loneliness and lightening, sickness and death, joy and deliverance, snakes and spirits, shadow, spittle and footprints, and eventually about the authors quest for meaning, beauty, and understanding of the world. The memoir tells a saga about forlornness, hope, and achievement, and last but not least, growing friendships as the only reward for struggle and pain. The researchers autobiography is captivating for the soul and the mind. It is funny, sad, informative, inspiring, and poetic.
CHF 6.55
A Chinese poet once said, To re-create something in words is like being alive twice. In a very real sense I have found this to be true as I have been compiling this record of my parents life. As missionaries in India from 1923-1960 they had written regularly to me and other family members in the United States. In addition, my father wrote many informative circular letters to his supporting churches. Unfortunately, some letters were lost, but in the end there was a suitcase full of correspondence. I couldnt throw them away. They were my meaningful link to my parents. So last summer, with the encouragement of my husband and children, I bought a laptop computer and started writing this story as a tribute to the remarkable and dedicated life of my parents, concentrating particularly on their life together as missionaries, followed by 17 years in Home Missions. In the process I have re-lived those early years and true to the Chinese poets words, I feel that I have been alive twice. The reader will notice capitalization of certain words in my fathers letters, where capitals are not customarily used. I believe it was his way of emphasizing words which he considered important.
CHF 11.00

The Core is an inspirational Christian book designed to help many people understand the type of character God wants us to exercise daily. In Genesis, it is stated that God created the world and his work was perfect; however, we all know that the people in it are not. Although we live in the world, we are children of God. Therefore, it is possible for us to strive to exemplify God-like character each day. This book provides us with tools, resources, and testimonials to help us peel away dead layers of ungodly character, leading us to the core of our existence: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. No matter what we go through in life, the way to living an eternal life is through God. What do you want for your life? Do you want love, peace, and joy? If you are experiencing a waiting season, do you want to learn how to exercise patience? If you need self-control, do you want tools to help you develop it? If you struggle with being kind, gentle or good to others, this book is also for you. Obtain your key to the core by exercising godly character through the nourishment of spiritual fruit and watch how God does such amazing things in your life.

CHF 30.75

This is a fictional novel about twelve Navy SEALs that were hand-picked by Admiral Roy Matthews, the commander of all Navy SEALs. They are based out of Montana in a village called Jake's Place. Jake's Place was built by a wounded SEAL by the name of Danny Peterson. The village was home for over ten thousand wounded warriors and their families. The twelve SEALs were assigned to Team Wolverine. They fought terrorism within the United States. They worked directly for Admiral Matthews, General Dwight Smith, the FBI, the CIA, Homeland Security, and the president of the United States. Team Wolverine's mission was to destroy existing terrorist cells that were located in twenty cities within the United States. They were to extract valuable information from the terrorist before eliminating them. This thrilling fictional novel will keep you on the edge of your seat and wanting more. It is packed full of suspense, tragedy, heroism, sex, murder, terrorism, and revenge. You will not be able to put this book down. This book is a sequel to Jake's Wolverines.

CHF 51.95

"On a Clear Day You Can See Forever," is a book of sayings, thoughts, ideas, statements, and affirmations about some of the truths the author has come to realize. He developed these truths from his experiences while growing up on a farm in East Texas, going to college, then to the Navy, back to graduate school in Houston, and then settling in a South Suburb of Chicago. The author expresses how life has impacted him. It hasn't always been easy, but then life is not always easy for anyone. Life for him was like a pendulum: up and down. But he is happy just to be alive, and to be able to express himself through his writings, which is the only way he knows how. Uncloud your mind and you can see forever. This book will help you to uncloud your mind.

CHF 72.65

"On a Clear Day You Can See Forever," is a book of sayings, thoughts, ideas, statements, and affirmations about some of the truths the author has come to realize. He developed these truths from his experiences while growing up on a farm in East Texas, going to college, then to the Navy, back to graduate school in Houston, and then settling in a South Suburb of Chicago. The author expresses how life has impacted him. It hasn't always been easy, but then life is not always easy for anyone. Life for him was like a pendulum: up and down. But he is happy just to be alive, and to be able to express himself through his writings, which is the only way he knows how. Uncloud your mind and you can see forever. This book will help you to uncloud your mind.

CHF 39.00

This is the story of Abbe, a summer reporter at the picturesque village of Oak Bluffs in Martha's Vineyard and Matt, the Police Chief. They find themselves involved in the disappearance of a young couple, a drowning, and a criminal invasion.

CHF 32.30

10,000 years have passed since the Second Great War destroyed the Earth. A new world has risen from the ashes. A young assassin finds himself trapped in the middle of a war that will change his destiny forever. An ancient evil has risen and the minions of the Dark Lord move to destroy the balance of the world further. One such minion known as Moraseth has declared war on Olroo and will strive at nothing to satisfy his Dark Master. The demons of the Abyss known as The Riv'Noss rise from the shadows to wage the war their Dark Masters have started. Can a rag tag band of heros restore the balance to the world and revive The Old Religion and defeat the evil that now festers like a plague on the world, or will Moraseth and his minions destroy everything that the people of the world have worked so hard to forge?

CHF 29.10

Roger wants to beat his brother at the Boo at the Zoo Halloween Contest, so he makes, to him, the most amazing costume. Will he win the Boo at the Zoo Halloween Contest? What happens when the animals see Roger walking around the zoo in his most amazing costume? Come to the zoo with Roger to see if his costume is more amazing than all the other childrens costumes.

CHF 41.25

This is a book that starts in the back room of a Vegas casino; a few guys were bored so they wanted to bet on a game. This book goes through a few contestants, the game is not really fixed but the clues are placed in interesting places. I took a bunch of dirty jokes, and woven them into the story. I had to bring a young boy into it for the little Johnny jokes, a blonde for the blonde jokes, a priest, I add and subtract contestants, to bring in different jokes so some get hurt and can't play, like getting mauled by a tiger, breaking legs, things like that, but keep main players, some jokes can get pretty blue, and some are downright nasty, that is why this is a ADULT book. The rules of the game are simple, you need five people to get a clue, and the clues lead to monuments for a payout. It takes five keys to be turned at once, the teams can't work together, and gamblers cannot contact the teams in any way or forfeit their million dollar buy in. That is it, so cheating is allowed. The contest takes place within 200 miles of a small town of Wausau, it goes into the upper Michigan, Illinois, and Minnesota, and it takes you on a journey, checking out some weird and beautiful places. Enjoy.

CHF 60.90

Beginning in 2017, several close family members became ill, and I was the designated caregiver. I was always taught that you help your family and friends whenever possible without question. It never occurred to me to do otherwise even though my life had basically stopped. The Help Chronicles was written as a testament to the time I spent helping my family members and how I learned the varied definitions of this small four-letter word. It was a trying and sad time for me, but the help I provided for them showed me the difference I made in their lives and how grateful they were to me. Though they didn't ask, they accepted all of the help I could give them.

CHF 31.85

THE LAMB tells the personal story of the honor of being chosen to be the Passover Lamb. Only one of his kind, the Lamb realizes that he was hand-picked by his Creator for this special event. We've all been chosen for something great in our lives. This is one special Lamb's story...

CHF 27.85

Beginning in 2017, several close family members became ill, and I was the designated caregiver. I was always taught that you help your family and friends whenever possible without question. It never occurred to me to do otherwise even though my life had basically stopped. The Help Chronicles was written as a testament to the time I spent helping my family members and how I learned the varied definitions of this small four-letter word. It was a trying and sad time for me, but the help I provided for them showed me the difference I made in their lives and how grateful they were to me. Though they didn't ask, they accepted all of the help I could give them.

CHF 49.75

The About the Book information is not available at this time.

CHF 38.55

The Nordic Adventure: An Enlightening Introduction to Scandinavia is a distinctively powerful traveler's memoir, which captured some of the enthralling, and sometime challenging, experiences of both Author and Celeta, husband and wife, who spent twelve exciting days touring Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland. Certainly, this intriguing traveler's memoir captured some of the exciting and heartwarming experiences this loving couple had as they traveled from their home state of New York and privately toured the cities of Copenhagen, Oslo, Flam, Bergen, Stockholm, and Helsinki. Although the introduction to each of these Nordic countries was very brief, this loving husband and wife had magnificent sightseeing opportunities. All of the Nordic cities visited were aptly equipped with very knowledgeable tour guides who were brilliant in acquainting us with the social, political, cultural, and religious aspects of their city. Hence, this husband and wife were able to see the splendor and beauty of each of those fascinating cities. We walked through various sections of the inner cities and saw gorgeous parks and flower gardens. We saw beautiful and excited children enjoying their day at play. We also saw beautiful homes and neighborhoods. We saw the beauty of a peaceful people. Unquestionably, touring the capital cities of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland was a marvelous delight to us. After these countries had been described to us as a romantic lands of beautiful hills and mountains and gorgeous landscape, we discovered that the delights of Scandinavia were even more exciting. It was indeed a land of romance! Certainly, asking pertinent questions about the customs and mystique of each country, we feel much more informed about those Nordic countries and their people. After twelve exciting days of Scandinavian touring, we feel much more enlightened on the customs of these beautiful Nordic people. Last of all, our joyous visit to these Scandinavian countries was a joyful learning experience for both of us. We now understand more fully what is meant when one says that the Scandinavian people lived under the concept of the Nordic welfare model. Above all, we had a delightful, fun filled Nordic adventure. To God be the glory!

CHF 56.90

For years, each Christmas Eve, I passed lots where holiday trees were not sold. I researched what would happen to the trees left. The answer bought me great sadness. I found a pine cone on the ground years later. It was at that point this story was born. While writing this book I was disappointed for not having a suitable ending. Finally, that ending was provided by my best friend, Charlie. When I completed this book I realized this was my story of walking the Christian path. I hope this provides joy, hope and gladness to all who reads it.

CHF 31.20

Little boys can be such a mystery to grow up, and a great joy to watch. Towhead lives on the farm with his dad and mother. They have no other children to play with. His best friend is his dog Sammy. Between the two of them and the goats and the rabbits they could find enough mischief to get into. And everyone is good before Christmas. This story is about the love of a boy and his dog and his parent. Sometimes mischief can make one grow up and realize that you are loved even if you're yelled at sometimes.

CHF 41.25

Dr. Hugh J.Burns has earned many distinguished teacher awards for having taught mostly British Literature for fifty-six years. Many years he asked to be assigned the worst students. They challenged him to find ways to get the most recalcitrant ( and the best) to agree that Shakespeare knew what he was doing and was worthy of respect. And he had a great time doing it! you will too. It's all laid out, step by step, for you as a gift from a retired master teacher to his profession.

CHF 51.95

This history starts with the grandparents or parents who remained in Europe, and then goes to the five individuals who independently immigrated to America in the mid to late 1600s. They all were English-speaking and came from England, Holland, and later Ireland. They were relatively well-to-do, but for various reasons - such as safety, trade expansion, business opportunity, and land - they decided to improve their lives in a new country. they settled in the New England and New York Colonies, near the Atlantic Ocean or other large bodies of water. Their homes were in Boston, Massachusetts; Newport, Rhode island; Stamford, Connecticut; Long Island, New York; and Shelter Island, New York, and later other places in these same colonies. This book talls what each of them did and how the lives of their descendants were affected, and what more than 400 of their descendants did . In many cases their lives and friendships were intertwined. Some joined together in marriage. Later, some descendants fought in the Revolution on the Patriot side; others remained loyal to the British. Learn the impact of these decisions on these people's lives. if you were in America at this time, what would you have done? This book continues tracking some of these families until the late 1890s. There are 63 portraits of 67 people, and the museum locations of most of these portraits. Picture of some homes are also included; some of these houses are still in existence.

CHF 49.25

This is a novel about a young man coming of age in an isolated-rural area of East Texas. He grew up, went to college, to the military, to graduate school, and then moved to a South Suburb of Chicago. He grew up doing farm chores from sunup to sunset. There was little time for social or recreational pursuits. He was however able to finish his high school education and go on to college. Because his father retired when he was sixteen, he was lucky enough to receive a stipend from Social Security that helped him to attend college, as they say, the rest is history. He details several scenarios about his sexual experiences as they propel him into his destiny.

CHF 38.55

On October 7th, 2023, David-Seth Kirshner woke up excited to celebrate his 50th birthday. Instead of eating cake, Rabbi Kirshner was glued to the news as the horrible attack by Hamas upon innocent Israelis began to unfold. Emotions flooded him from all directions. Anger, rage, surprise, fear, hope, frustration, anxiety, confidence and grief were just some of what inhabited his mind and body. Streams of Shattered Consciousness is a daily chronicle of Rabbi Kirshner's channeled emotions and opinions with a healthy dose of history lessons. Kirshner's detailed accounts accompanied by his personal reflections will keep record of what will surely be a watershed moment in the history of the Jewish people.

CHF 40.10

This book is a collection of poetry, about experiencing life, and learning not to be afraid to take chances. The universal experiences in the poems she writes are relatable to everyone regardless of cultural background, race, or gender. She exudes a rhythm in the cadence of these poems that deliver the unexpected. It is truly a journey into a new sphere of creativity that provides Aha moments, and the sincerity in which she delivers her ideas is genuine and authentic. She has truly mastered the craft of metaphors, similes, paradoxes, and more. Her poetry inspires and motivates her audience to push through life's challenges whatever they may be, because challenge is the one common universal denominator she definitely shares with her audience. Soft and encouraging, yet firm and practical, this book is packed with surprises you do not want to miss!

CHF 27.40

On October 7th, 2023, David-Seth Kirshner woke up excited to celebrate his 50th birthday. Instead of eating cake, Rabbi Kirshner was glued to the news as the horrible attack by Hamas upon innocent Israelis began to unfold. Emotions flooded him from all directions. Anger, rage, surprise, fear, hope, frustration, anxiety, confidence and grief were just some of what inhabited his mind and body. Streams of Shattered Consciousness is a daily chronicle of Rabbi Kirshner's channeled emotions and opinions with a healthy dose of history lessons. Kirshner's detailed accounts accompanied by his personal reflections will keep record of what will surely be a watershed moment in the history of the Jewish people.

CHF 69.30

Footprints in Time follows thirty-two generations of the Bryan family, dating as far back as the year 907. The book begins with the Comtes de Flanders (Counts of Flanders), who first settled in a small village in the Champagne Region of France after fleeing from Viking attacks on their homeland of Flanders. The Comes de Briennes, as they became known, lived in France for over nine generations. The family later migrated into Wales, then England, then Ireland. In 1650, the Bryans were deported from Ireland to the Colony of Virginia by Oliver Cromwell during the English invasion of Ireland. Col. William Smith Bryan of the Irish Rebel Forces and a direct descendent of the Irish king, Brian Boru, was viewed by the English as a threat to their dominance over Ireland. The book traces the early days of the Bryan family in Colonial America to the present. The family line includes French and English royalty, knights, lords, political leaders, explorers, religious leaders, pioneers, salt-of-the-earth Americans, and even a renowned pirate.

CHF 51.95

Footprints in Time follows thirty-two generations of the Bryan family, dating as far back as the year 907. The book begins with the Comtes de Flanders (Counts of Flanders), who first settled in a small village in the Champagne Region of France after fleeing from Viking attacks on their homeland of Flanders. The Comes de Briennes, as they became known, lived in France for over nine generations. The family later migrated into Wales, then England, then Ireland. In 1650, the Bryans were deported from Ireland to the Colony of Virginia by Oliver Cromwell during the English invasion of Ireland. Col. William Smith Bryan of the Irish Rebel Forces and a direct descendent of the Irish king, Brian Boru, was viewed by the English as a threat to their dominance over Ireland. The book traces the early days of the Bryan family in Colonial America to the present. The family line includes French and English royalty, knights, lords, political leaders, explorers, religious leaders, pioneers, salt-of-the-earth Americans, and even a renowned pirate.

CHF 37.45

The need for a prayer and fasting 21 day devotional book is not a cliché or a catchy step by step for you to read and enjoy; but it's a book where we come together to combat the forces of darkness in high places on behalf of the need of children. This is not a parenting book of any sort. However, the focus is geared on praying for our children regardless how old they may be. As well as a devotional book for you to use on a day to day basis. Devotion is defined as prayers or religious observance.

CHF 29.60

Laurel Valley, a community in the Carolina hills. Nobody knows why, but Montgomerys and Capshaws have been killing each other for over 100 years. On a peaceful Sunday morning Lee Montgomery drove his wife, mother in law and 4 children to church. The youngest was 4 year old Olin Montgomery, the apple of the families eye. When Lee reached the ford at Bloody Creek, the horses spooked and would not cross. Lee has the instincts of a wild animal. Something was amiss. Pistol in hand, he got out of the wagon to search the thick brush enveloping the trail. A dozen guns fired in unison, shredding the flesh of the Montgomery family. All massacred, except Olin, whos little body was shielded by his grandmother. Fifteen years later, Olin has grown into manhood. It is his lifes mission to get revenge for his families murder until he meets a girl, Etta, the daughter of the Capshaw clans patriarch. Their love is doomed by their families hatred. BLOODY CREEK is ROMEO AND JULIET set in the crossfire of a Hatfield/McCoy feud. This time, will the young lovers survive?

CHF 45.25

Laurel Valley, a community in the Carolina hills. Nobody knows why, but Montgomerys and Capshaws have been killing each other for over 100 years. On a peaceful Sunday morning Lee Montgomery drove his wife, mother in law and 4 children to church. The youngest was 4 year old Olin Montgomery, the apple of the families eye. When Lee reached the ford at Bloody Creek, the horses spooked and would not cross. Lee has the instincts of a wild animal. Something was amiss. Pistol in hand, he got out of the wagon to search the thick brush enveloping the trail. A dozen guns fired in unison, shredding the flesh of the Montgomery family. All massacred, except Olin, whos little body was shielded by his grandmother. Fifteen years later, Olin has grown into manhood. It is his lifes mission to get revenge for his families murder until he meets a girl, Etta, the daughter of the Capshaw clans patriarch. Their love is doomed by their families hatred. BLOODY CREEK is ROMEO AND JULIET set in the crossfire of a Hatfield/McCoy feud. This time, will the young lovers survive?

CHF 34.55

This book is about Elliot the dragonfl y and his friend Kaylee. I would like to dedicate this book to both Kaylee and Shanna. Kaylee being the inspiration of the story, and Shanna who encouraged, supported, and assisted throughout the process. I hope you look forward to reading about upcoming great adventures of Elliot and Kaylee.

CHF 47.95

This book is about Elliot the dragonfl y and his friend Kaylee. I would like to dedicate this book to both Kaylee and Shanna. Kaylee being the inspiration of the story, and Shanna who encouraged, supported, and assisted throughout the process. I hope you look forward to reading about upcoming great adventures of Elliot and Kaylee.

CHF 30.75